
Aloha, I’m Mai.

Our tub

studio was born by accident.

Five years ago, my family took a trip to Bali and I fell in love with all the floral bath tubs at our hotels. I told myself, someday, when we live in a nice weather location, I’d love an outdoor bathtub so I can chill in it and drink my beer (lol)! Then the stars aligned and the military moved us to Hawaii! I got my tub and drank my beer in it lol. I received so many inquiries from friends, and friend’s friends, that I’ve decided to share my tub with you all. I find joy in creating memorable experiences for all my guests. I’m super hands on, making sure the flowers look good throughout your session. I’ll be your second set of eyes and help fix your hair, adjust your outfits or straps, be your hype girl, pick off petals from your butt (lol) per photographer’s request, assist your photographer, talk stories and treat you like a guest & friend when you’re here!